Resident Evil 2 #2: Hordes of zombie at the police station

My name is Leon S. Kennedy. I am a police officer. At the end of September 1998 I was in the middle of a nightmare that took place in Racoon City. This is my story.
The struggle for survival
Moving cautiously, I approached the desk and looked up on the monitor. Echo carried the sound of my every step, as if it was trying to let everyone know that new guest is in the main hall of the police station. The computer had an opened application that controlled electronic locks on the entire floor. Both were locked at that time. How to unlock them? I didn’t knew and yet I continued to refrain from calling out loud for anyone. Something was telling me that this wasn’t the best idea. I moved towards the nearest door. They were open. As soon as I stepped inside, a cluttered room appeared before me. An officer was sitting against a wall. He raised his head and looked at me. He wanted to say something, but managed only to cough hard, spitting blood. I ran up to him. He was heavily injured.
– Who are you? – he asked.
– Leon S. Kennedy….
– Oh, the rookie. Forgive me, but your welcome party was cancelled – he joked bitterly.
– What happened here?
– There is no time for this. You have to save the survivors. Here you have a key card that unlocks the locking mechanism on the entire floor. Use it.
– But what about you?!
– I’m doomed already. Now go!
– But….
– Go! – he screamed and using the last parts of his strength, lifted up the pistol that he firmly held in his hand and aimed at me.
– Okay, but I’m coming back for you.
I left the room. A seconds later I heard the sound of turning lock. To this day I still wonder how he managed to do this, because a moment earlier he was barely sitting, and the door was four metres away from him. I moved the handle to make sure he closed the door. Then I went to the computer and unblocked my way to next part of the police station. A recent conversation didn’t ease my nerves and clearly indicated that something wrong was happening. Yet, I still believed that the doors were a sufficient blockade for the living corpses invading from the city. I still hoped that there were some other alive policemen here.
I moved towards the door closer to the main entrance of the station. In the corridor behind them a bunch of cops, transformed into zombies, rushed at me at once. I had no chance with them armed only with a pistol, so I ran to the closest door on the right. I didn’t even manage to close them. Inside there were another pack of undeads. I turned around and rushed back to the main hall, before the monsters cut off my escape route and ended my life in a miserable way. I felt like a hero from some horror movie. As if someone put me in the darkest nightmare. As a policeman, however, I couldn’t panic or break down at such moment. I moved towards the door on the other side.
I was greeted by silence and darkness. There was nothing behind the windows, everything was hidden behind a black curtain. It was dark around the police station and probably everyone, who made a desperate attempt to escape through the window, fell right into the hands of the beasts that were lurking there. Cautiously I passed the bend of corridor, looking at the damaged mechanism on the wall. Someone pulled out the cable and interrupted the supply of energy. In front of me, on the floor, there was a body of police officer lying in the pool of blood. Something was dripping from the ceiling. I went one step closer and only then noticed that something was there. It was coming in my direction. In a short moment a strange beast appeared in the light.

It looked horrific, with brain outside the skull, long tongue, sharp jaws and claws that would easily bite through human skin and crush bones. Monster jumped on the floor and growled. I had the impression that it was looking straight into my eyes. I don’t know how, but I managed to avoid the first attack. I threw myself at the door behind the beast, but it was extremely quick and caught me just as I was reaching the door handle. I felt the sharp claws making marks on my back. I fell behind the door and closed it before it was too late. Stunned, I held the door knob for a while, loudly panting. I was lucky that behind me there was no other monster that would take advantage of the opportunity.
Shreds of information
I will never forget the pain I felt back then. My back burned and I could feel the warmth blood dripping on the shirt. I was terrified, because in that state I had no chance to stay alive, and what’s worse, I could have lost consciousness at any time. In a narrow corridor, in which windows were desperately blocked with a bed and few boards, I slowly proceeded forward. I prayed that there would be no zombies lurking at next corner. I opened a large door, which, as it turned out, led to the meeting room. It was a mess. Papers, chairs, junk everywhere. On the sides there were some cabinets with mugs full of cold coffee and ashtrays with remnants of cigarettes. I didn’t have the strength to search the room. I remember that I just looked through some papers. In the backroom I found a fireplace with a strange picture and a pack of ammunition. I was supposed to leave when I saw this file with documents.
It turned out to be a report written during the last days at the police station. I read it slowly and learned about chaotical defense of the building. There was no plan, no strategy in the actions of the police officers. And there were these strange orders from chief officer. I was left with a massive amount of unanswered questions ringing in my head. Hoping to find at least one living person that would tell me something more about the events in Racoon City, I left the room. I dreamt of meeting at least one survivor.
In the next rooms and corridors, however, the only things that awaited me were living dead. Slowly moving hordes of undead that were hunting for another prey. With the rest of my strength, I reached the darkroom. I grasped the green plant that I found earlier, that could relieve pain and supposedly accelerate wound regeneration. I wasn’t risking anything. I ate three leaves and fell asleep, hidden behind the desk.
Resident Evil 2 is a classic survival-horror, one of the greatest games developed on PlayStation 1. Recently I decided to once again step into the world of survival-horror and see the adventure of Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. This fanfic is my diary from this gaming experience. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did during playing and writing.